Best Psychiatry Doctor in Hyderabad
At the Department of Psychiatry in Pranahitha Hospitals every patient is Heard, Un-rushed and Understood to enable us to craft in individualized treatment plan. It is a principle to provide quality mental health care, assisting patients by initially evaluating their mental health, alleviate symptoms though medication management, provide therapy and more.
Treatment is offered for Psychiatric disorders ranging from simple stress, depression, anxiety to severe disorders like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. A through diagnosis of the condition through a series of clinical interviews, assessment measures and diagnostic tests for children, adolescents, adults and elderly patients experiencing psychological difficulties such as neuro developmental, psychotic, learning, behavioral, personality, addictive, impulsive, neurocognitive etc is done with care.
A 360 degree approach is taken to treat the patient keeping in mind physical, social and psychological issues.
GENERAL ADULT PSYCHIATRY: Psychiatry is a medical specialty that manages the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment for a range of mental health conditions in adults, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, panic disorder, attention disorders, depressive disorders and specific phobic disorders.
ADDICTION PSYCHIATRY: It is a psychiatric subspecialty relating to evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of people suffering from addiction disorders. This may include addiction to alcohol, drugs or any other substance, which can negatively impact their health, relationships, work life and social interactions.
GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY: It focuses on prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders in the elderly and improvement of psychiatric care for healthy and ill elderly patients.
CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY: It is a specialty that focuses on the biological, psychological and social components of child and adolescent behavioral, emotional, developmental and mental health disorders.
Our Experts
Pranahitha Hospital is committed to provide the highest quality of medical care to people. Our team of highly experienced experts offer advanced treatments to patients using cutting-edge diagnostic and therapeutic technology.
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